Hi! I am so excited to talk to you about establishing a personal brand, and today I’m going to briefly walk you through my framework, by taking inventory of who you are. The EVOKE framework is divided into five categories - which are: EARTH, VALUES, OBJECTIVES, KNOWLEDGE, and ESSENCE. These elements are the makeup of who we are today.
Why go through all this?
Because we cannot tell our story without self-awareness and self-worth. This process allows us to reconnect with ourselves and elevate our awareness and worth.
Going through this process will give you a better idea of who you have become today, where you came from, and why you like what you like. It’s a great opportunity to make some edits and let go of what doesn't serve you anymore. To dive deeper into your Personality before you create a Personal Brand.
And what has all this to do with creating a Personal Brand?
This work goes hand in hand with your brand and business. When we dive into our perspective and habits - we gain a certain ownership and confidence while getting a clearer picture of who we want to become tomorrow.
And because your Personal Brand is an extension of you - you’ll be able to establish a brand that is SO personalized that people cannot copy your style and ideas. It’s authentically YOU and no one else.
NOW - let’s dive in. I want you to hand-write down everything that comes to mind during the following five sections:
EARTH is all about your earth body and life on earth, who you are today, how you got here, what kind of super talent were you born with, how you grew up, and so on. Think about the makeup of our childhood home and family dynamic. What did you love doing as a child that you still enjoy? Take your time reflecting and call upon your intuition - get all the answers you need to understand your paths, decision-making, and personality.
VALUES are powerful and steer us whether it’s consciously or subconsciously. Without understanding core values we might not always make the best decisions or have the guts to stand up for what we believe in. They determine how you approach your work and how you behave in your daily life. If you haven’t put much thought into your values - this is an exciting opportunity to give it some self-inspection. See if you can write down 3-5 core values for now, and then dive into what they mean to you and why. For example, my core values are justice, integrity, humor, empathy, and wellness.
OBJECTIVES are the things you want in life. These are your goals and wants, so I want you to ask yourself what you really want. This is a really hard question and most people don’t really know. We think we know, but often it's what we've told ourselves at some point and then we just stay with that idea. You might think you want to be an opera singer or a politician, but is that what you really want? What makes you happy? What can you spend hours thinking about, reading about, living about? And, what kind of life do you want - what does it actually look like?
KNOWLEDGE is about your education, as well as your natural knowledge (what comes easily to you). There are certain things you know more about than you can understand, and it often goes hand in hand with your natural superpower. This part of your being is also how you share your knowledge, do you sit on it or do you share it openly? How can it serve you as you design your new chapter?
ESSENCE is a fun category and can be challenging as well. This is about your taste and style. Not only your wardrobe - it’s about your world; your home, your website, where you work, where you go on vacation, and how you show up on social media. It’s your physical, figurative, and visual expression. Your essence goes hand in hand with what your brand and business will look like from the outside. Think about your favorite film (visually), your style icon, websites you love, and try to peek outside your own space. For instance, if you’re a writer - get visually inspired by interior designers or wellness brands (a little hack to avoid sameness in your space).
I’m excited to hear how this brainstorming session goes for you. And then we’ll get more specific. Stay tuned and in touch - I LOVE that you’re here to establish your brand and design your life.